Contrary to popular belief, not actually 2m tall ⛹️♂️. Loves sweets, but also loves to read, so only eats dark chocolate now. Born in Munich, but learned basic mathematics in Zurich and the basics of machine learning at Stanford. Came back to Munich to learn about the basics of starting a company with Seba. Now, mostly learning about people and product.
I lead Product & Engineering at Luminovo. Basically a fun mix of product manager and engineering manager plus a lot of glue and dirty work between departments to make sure nothing falls under the cracks.
A short manual pointing out my idiosyncrasies, common failure modes and expectations towards others that, when paid attention to, should make it easier to work with me.
Probably the most important thing to know about me is that I like to argue and that I cannot stand logical inconsistencies. Unfortunately, this means—especially for people that are not used to being in a discussion with me—that I often come on too strong. I say "that's wrong" when I should be saying (and mean) "I think that's wrong". If you take away only one thing from reading this page, I hope it is this: while I voice very strong opinions my emotional attachment to them is very weak. I tend not to think in terms of "my idea, your idea" and will reverse positions in a heartbeat if someone catches an error in the line of reasoning I currently like best. In fact, there are few things I appreciate more than people correcting my thinking. Please push back on ideas you don't agree with and please don't get discouraged to speak up again if I push back on an idea you like. Get ready to have your arguments dissected and tested for good health and please do the same for mine.
After reading The Righteous Mind I took this moral foundations questionnaire. Turns out my moral intuitions are pretty standard, save for one outlier: I have an authority problem. This manifests itself in daily life that I used to argue with random store clerks about non-sensical rules knowing all too well that they were not the ones making said rules. Being told to follow a rule without getting told why (or a why that does not compute for me) drives me up the wall. Fortunately by now my pre-frontal cortex usually wins the fight against my amygdala in “poor-store-clerk"-scenarios, but I do still react allergic to people using “Company A is doing this” or “XYZ said this” to defend an idea in a discussion. The good news is that my dislike for authority extends to my own and I will most likely never ask you to do something without explaining why and giving you a chance to challenge my reasoning.